Will my removal company dismantle and assemble my furniture?

Weekly 7/10 customers ask us about dismantling and assembling furniture. So in this blog answer your main questions.

Our answer is happily yes. Absolutely yes, we do assemble and dismantle furniture. You will find that this is a perfect, stress-free and complimentary service to your house move with Red Leaf Removals & Services Ltd.
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In fact, before moving to your new location the majority of the items in your home will need to be taken apart in order to move you securely into your new home or into storage.

Items that require dismantling include wardrobes, bed frames, dining tables, dressing tables or vanity tables. Your Red Leaf Removal & Services team will guide you on the items that would be most suitable and advisable for dismantling before your move. Often this is the larger items that may not necessarily fit through the room door or in the removal van with ease.

Items that may need dismantling

Bed Frames – when it comes to bed frames we would usually dismantle these before loading and transporting them in vans. This can be done the morning of your move, to ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the adventure of your home move begins!

Bookcases or Shelve Units – dependent on the size and requirement of your bookcase and shelve we often take the approach of dismantling delicate components such as any glass or mirrors. We then wrap these in protective equipment separately, to ensure your belongings are safe and secure.

Vanity Table or Dressing Tables – most often furniture with a large mirror or glass attached or included in the furniture would be removed to ensure it is delicately transported. If possible those components would be removed then protected with our first-class protective material. Alternatively if a door on the shelving unit has a mirror we may wrap it, intact with protective gear.

Large Dining Room Tables – the average sized dining room table may be best wrapped and protected as it is, without dismantling. But, if you have an extra large or heavy dining room table, the Red Leaf Removal & Services team may likely take off the legs and protect everything separately. This keeps the legs and dining room table from breaking during transit because it’s easier to load it in the truck if the legs are off.

Tips from the pro’s on dismantling furniture

A tip to consider when dismantling furniture for moves or storage is to keep your furniture screws, bolts and nails together in box or bag, so that they can easily be found when they are needed.

A benefit is that we can prepare many items for moving the day or days beforehand so that all your furniture are dismantled, organised and safely ready from moving, taking the stress of moving away from you.

Do you have questions about your house, flat, office or storage move? If you have any questions about moving please do not hesitate to contact the team.

We dismantle furniture and rebuild furniture all across London and surrounding areas including Brighton, Croydon, Lambeth, Guildford, Kent, Kingston, Tunbridge Wells, Rochester to let us your location simply contact us.

Check out our furniture assembly service which can be tailored to suit your very need: www.redleafremovals.com/furnitureassemble

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Thank you for reading!

Red Leaf Removals & Services


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